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Discussing Islam: A Religious Taboo
By Clifford D. May January 24, 2013 12:00 A.M. C an we at least agree that reports of al-Qaeda’s death have b...
Ray Bradbury dies at 91; author lifted fantasy to literary heights
Ray Bradbury's more than 27 novels and 600 short stories helped give stylistic heft to fantasy and science fiction. In 'The Martian...
Stephen Hunter discusses 'The Third Bullet'
POSTED ON JANUARY 15, 2013 BY SCOTT JOHNSON IN BOOKS STEPHEN HUNTER: THE THIRD BULLET We are huge fans of Stephen Hunter. Steve is o...
Johnny Cash, 'Bootleg Vol. IV: The Soul of Truth' Spotlights Legend's Love for Gospel Music
by Vernell Hackett April 2, 2012 A new 51-track collection of Johnny Cash songs is coming this week in honor of the...
Today's Tune: The Vespers - Will You Love Me
California at Twilight
California at Twilight Posted By Victor Davis Hanson On January 29, 2013 @ 12:01 am In Uncategorized | 21 Comments We keep trying to un...
Hillary lip-synced more than Beyonce
By Mark Steyn The Orange County Register January 25, 2013 If I'm following this correctly, according to one sp...
Today's Tune: The Horrible Crowes - Joey
Between the Covers: Stephen Hunter on "Soft Target"
[Click on article title to hear interview - jtf]
Recipe for conservative revival
By George F. Will , Published: January 25 The Washington Post Happy days are not here again, but they are co...
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The Coach, the Biographer and the Last Chapter
Going all the way with LBJ
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Triple Play! Obama Blows Off Congress, Funds Pales...
Bill ‘Moose’ Skowron, hero of the Yankees’ 1958 Wo...
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Film to Depict Lewis-Tolkien Friendship
Teaser: "The Lion Awakes"
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